Forum Discussion

wannavolunteerF's avatar
Feb 17, 2017

Curbside or Streetside Kitchen?

As I am beginning to narrow down floorplans for my full-time MH, I see lots of Class A's have kitchen on Curbside. Seems to me that having view blocked on a large portion of that wall would be at cross purposed with looking out your windows.

those of you with the kitchen on curbside, do you find you miss looking out at your "own" patio? Do you enjoy looking out the windows at your neighbors (or your sewer hookup)?

I really think I would much prefer having kitchen on streetside (driver's side) and more windows on curbside/patio side. Is this something that is an issue?

I plan to full-time for a number of years. Right now, I prefer more rustic state park like sites, but know some places that may not be an option. Either way, wouldn't you want your best view from LR/DR to be out across your own patio?