Forum Discussion

travelmaybe's avatar
May 20, 2013

Difference between single rear wheel and dually rear wheel

Okay... Okay.. Okay... don't eat me alive, PLEASE! Just so you know I am a woman that is not "mechanically minded" :)

Question.. I see that everyone and I do mean everyone says, dually, dually, dually.. But why? What does a dually do with the same engine that a single rear wheeled truck with the same engine does not?

I have a single rear wheel 2012 Duramax 2500 and a 2009 F-550 that is a dually but I just haven't found the information that tells me the difference. I want to pull the toy hauler with the 2012 Duramax but like I said, everyone says dually is the way to go.

Please advise...