Forum Discussion

riflegunbuilder's avatar
Jan 31, 2019

Dish antenna ideas

Got a new Montana on order. Trying to decide between the Winegard auto roof antenna and one of the HD set out antennas. Any thoughts?
  • We use the portable HD Pathway X2 and really like it.. It took some getting use to, but after we did, all was good.

    Like others, I have 50' of satellite cable that I use and that allows me to place it to get a better signal if in a heavy tree area..

    I DO NOT fulltime, so I only take it with me on certain trips...
  • We use the portable. and NEVER had any luck with wineguard units. Had 3 of them over the years... ended up returning them every time. Good Luck and Happy Camping !!
  • Rooftop you can always set up a portable. Not all other options are HD comparable.

    3.5 full time years with roof top. Love it!
  • This one is easy for me being a full timer for 8 years and having a Dish Tailgater They have a 50 ft cable and you can easily move them around OR on the roof/Slideout to get to them in the clear to find the Southern Sky BUT there was a few times I was so deep in the woods nothing works,I always try to pick my spots at the Campgrounds that have Some clearing
  • Having two roof mounted Auto seek SAT antenna's(in Motion and stationary)...I can't tell you how many times, unless I'm thinking about it, I park where I cannot get a signal(tree's-obstacles). It happens when you want to be in the shade...I always carry a portable dish for such instances.

    So if you don't want to think about this all the time when backing into a site....go portable!!!
  • I prefer the set-out, because we like to park in shade if possible. Gives me a lot more options on placement. But, lots of others think otherwise.
  • The standard comment on roof mount is parking near trees or other obstructions.