colliehauler wrote:
I've double towed before but made sure the states I passed through was legal. Travel trailer with jet ski trailer behind. Since I sold the jet ski no more need to double tow.
In AZ, that's definitely NOT legal, though doubles =are= legal. First trailer =must= be a FW, second trailer can be ball, pintle or clevis hitch, and must have safety chains and brakes if > 3k gvw. Now, does this mean that people don't do what you do? Yes, they do, and I saw one just recently. Bumper pull utility trailer with a Bobcat on it towing another utility trailer with tools and materials on it. MANY years ago, I saw a guy towing like this with an added cement mixer on the back.
I never saw this, but my dad did and knew the farmer in question quite well, but he'd tow FOUR loaded cotton trailers, probably 7-8k each, with no brakes, chains or lights, down I-8 in the Yuma area, at 50-60 mph and would pick up EIGHT empties at the gin to bring back. With a 3/4t truck. INSANE!