Take your time planning it out. Once you start putting the Eternabond on, you aren't getting it off easily. Take a piece of paper and tape it over your edges where you plan to bring it down 2", see what it might look like. If you trim and round the corners you can get it to look like it was done at the factory. I did this on a roof seam on our last HTT, and when we traded it, the dealer didn't bat an eyelash.
Prep the area properly. There are instructions on Eternabond's site, but the gist is to remove all old caulking, wash with soap and water, treat it with mineral spirts to remove all oils.
Golden_HVAC wrote:
Be sure to compare shipping, and also check with Amazon.com too.
My suggestion also.
Amazon's price for 6"x50". If you have Prime then shipping is free. If you don't you can get free shipping on orders over $35, and usually they deliver in in less than a week.