Forum Discussion

kfintoni's avatar
Aug 26, 2013

Fifth wheel falling apart

Hello all,
I am starting my post here as it is about our fifth wheel if it needs to go somewhere else I apologize. We have a 2005 Jayco 325 BHS. As of this year is seems to be literally falling apart around us. We opened it up in June and when we opened the bedroom slide the underside is starting to rot, the aluminum is thin almost rusting? We used it once for a weekend in June and when we put the bedroom slide in it took the rubber gasket with it. We managed to get it out and put back on but when we put the slide back out it tipped out like it was going to fall out. The side walls seem to not be attached to the bed frame. We had to take our oldest to college and on the return trip today while driving the top of the bedroom slide started to come out. It seems there was some kind of major leak but we saw no evidence of it inside. There have been lots of things that have broken along the way like trim pieces, drawer stops, the window mechanisms, tv antenna crank shower door track etc but since it is no longer under warranty we have fixed them ourselves but I am thinking the whole nose needs to be taken apart and the slide replaced. Has anyone ever had this happen? We ran into someone last fall that had an 07 and he had the underside side rails start to buckle on his.
Karen in MA
  • I have an 07 Newmar Cypress and was just thinking yesterday after going thru our rig, before we go south in a couple of months, the amount of maintenance required to keep them in tip top condition.I,ve replaced wet bolts,brakes ,hubs/bearings, 3 skylites,3 vents caps,yearly cauking ,sealing,tightened/replaced screws.Unless your handy, as i am, i don,t know how the average person could aford to keep one up,especially if you put on the miles.
  • Sounds like you have some water damage, and I guess you have had it for a while because the wood has gone soft.

    I would not attempt that repair myself. I would take it to the dealer, and see what he advises.
    Either way, it will not be cheap. Good luck.
  • not made in china is it?
    possibly because more and more people are asking for "canary made" stuff that thats what we now are getting
  • Water leaks will 'KILL' an RV.

    Routine maintenance is critical. Inspecting/cleaning/checking ALL systems (roof seals, slideout seals, water fittings, electrical connections, batteries etc).
    You can NOT just use them, put them away and then expect them to last.

    Was in CG late last year where a 5th wheel was parked as a seasonal unit. No routine maint. just use it/abuse it.
    Guy came home one evening to find bedroom slide bottom had fallen out, part of bed frame/box hanging thru bottom of slide.
    Complete slide out had to be removed and rebuilt along with sidewall of 5'vr.

    The wood used in these rigs are like sponges when it comes to water. They will suck it up, swell up and then crumble