Forest River makes a nice light-weight fiver
click that I saw in my resort in Florida last winter that I thought was a nicely built fiver for the price and the guy was hauling it with a Tundra, he said he had to beef-up the rear end using Timberens but all in all no problems but he did say he just does week-end warrior trips and wouldn't think of any serious travelling with the truck. I do cringe every time I see someone hauling too much trailer with too little truck and with what they are asking for the bigger pick-up's these days I can understand why someone would want to try using a more inexpensive tow vehicle but it's important to consider that these big trucks have bigger brakes, drive trains and carrying capacity that really equates to safety on the road, the road we all share!
Red Green;
Remember, If it moves and it shouldn't, duck-tape,
if doesn't move and it should,WD40!!