arnko37 wrote:
I am confused about ins coverage. I used to have my vehicles all insured with Hartford (thru AARP) This included my new PU truck 2007 chev HHR and a 2000 Alpenlite 5th wheel. When I had bought the fifth wheel and called for coverage Hartford quoted a yearly premium of only $29. This coverage was limited to $11,500, the value of the trailer. I mentioned this on this forum and caught some flak such as" what about liability, what will you do if someone trips over a water hose while you are set up and sues you." Good question. Hartford later on gave me a huge increase(almost 50%) for no apparent reason. So I switched to State Farm. Now my 5th wheel ins is about $230 per year. I asked the agent "what if someone trips etc. am I covered?" He said no, that liability coverage comes thru your home owners policy. Something sounds wrong here. Can any shed some light on this? Thanks
May I please confirm, your USE is not full-time? Correct? You're a weekender or short trip type of user?