Read your policy. It's funny my agent just told me he has no idea exactly what the coverage is on the thousand of types he sells. He said he doesn't read the policies. Frankly, he couldn't memorize all that anyway. One company could say they cover RV at home, then at camp but not hitched. Other policy could say it is covered in all scenarios. He gave me one, I read it, then I said it doesn't cover everything I want so he just got me a different company and that has what I want. It's unfortunate but you have to spend hours reading these things because they are all different. Then every year you get a renewal and it excludes some coverage you had the year prior but if you don't read it you don't know. Just happened to a friend that had $25 med pay coverage doubled to $50k if wearing seatbelt. Then renewal eliminated the doubling (and increased the premium). Car accident resulted in $55k in med bills and only $25k covered because he didn't read the renewal. And was only two months into renewal or would have had $50k covered of the bills and only been responsible for the last $5k.