Your best bet is to go to a large RV show put on by an RV organization or group of dealers not just one dealer. There you will be able to compare models from the different manufacturers. Choose a few to research further and spend time on the internet to see what owners and RV media has to say about the models you've chosen. Narrow it down to a couple.
Find them in your area and then go spend a half a day in each one just like you were living in it. Try out all the amenities, sit on the toilet, stand in the shower, spend time in the chair you will be relaxing in...etc. Does it fit you, are you comfortable, does the RV overall give you a warm and fuzzy feeling.
Just an observation regarding RV manufacturer problems. Over the years I've noticed that many RV manufacturers begin to have quality issues,failures and complaints as their models or a model becomes popular. It's either due to so many people buying the model the complaints will seem high because of the sales volume or the quality suffers because the manufacturer pushes the build teams to keep up with demand.
Most new RVs seem to have 10 + problems in the first year after purchase. The dealer or manufacturer will take care of these as they pop up. Unfortunately it can take up a lot of your time but most of the problems will be build quality issues rather than major failures