jwduke wrote:
Artemus Gordon wrote:
Artic Fox has had their share of issues in the past several years. Dealers leaving the fold over quality issues, and concerns over being reimbursed for warranty work. I looked closely at several models, IMHO fit and finish looked sloppy or at least old school,
To address the companies that have no "dealer network" and have or plan to ceased production, you can paint that anyway you want. It's foolish to buy any large ticket item where the firms OOB.
Last but not least, heavier does not mean better. When HitchHiker and others were still utilizing wood framing they touted how much better that made their units. When their focus went to metal, they touted it as a revolutionary idea to the industry. Fact is those firms could not keep up and never could compete with their low volume production capabilities. Loyalty to a brand by owners is one thing, being blind to facts of life is another! Lastly, many people think they will own their units forever. While that's a nice thought, its a hard sell if you need to get rid of your RV because of illness etc. You can talk till your our blue in the face about the quality of your HH, even highly discounted like the NuWa units, still sitting on lots around the country, they are still orphans! Even the new units are not selling at 35-40 percent off MSRP. What effect does that have on older units? Pretty obvious I would bet! Look I don't dislike HitchHiker nor am I happy for the loss of a great American produced trailer. I only wish people were a little less negative about other manufacturers and who buys them. Artic Fox is a great trailer, I personally was not impressed after all the hype I heard about them! Buy what you like and can afford. Take care of the unit and it will provide years of enjoyment!
Artemus, WHY don't you just come out of the closet and say "If it isn't a Montana, it isn't a RV?" I looked at Montana's this spring that were WELL south of $100,000, and there was absolutely NO WAY in HE!! I would EVER spend THAT kind of money on such a shoddy build piece of junk! The new Montana's are a REAL disappointment!
And PLEASE get off your high horse on Hitchhikers! You have NEVER owned one, none less probably NEVER been in one!
I have owned 3 new Montana's and would definitely disagree with you saying they were a piece of "JUNK". I did not have any problems out of any of the 3 that I owned. I now own a Landmark by Heartland and love it. The only reason I traded away from the Montana's are the Full Body Paints on the Landmark I think looks better than the Big Sky Montana.