Forum Discussion

Curlida's avatar
Jun 06, 2015

First and probably not last mistake

My wife and I did it,bought our first Fifth. 2016 Montana 3711FL and also made our first mistake. Got it home,no problem and being a previous boat owner thought if I use the battery Disconnect and shut off the breakers batterie will be fine, but next morning went out to turn some lights on and take some pics to send to family and no power. Called dealer(camping world) and they were no help so I called Keystone and they told me fridge drained battery and that it can't be shut off. Now I'm wondering do I pull battery, charge it and wait to get 50amp service installed or maybe go to solar? We thought we did our homework but I guess not enough, first lesson learned! Sorry to sound so dumb and really appreciate the advice we have gotten from you all in previous posts.

2015 Chevy Silverado 3500 ( so impressed with how well this truck pulled Montana home two hours away)
  • Then that is not a true battery disconnect switch. I'd install my own, one that sits on one of the battery terminals and really does disconnect the battery. The fridge can't be shut off? Wanna bet??? Maybe not with THEIR faux disconnect switch.

    But hey, any day you learn something is a day well spent.
  • Poncho62
    At first Keystone told me there was a switch for the fridge in line with the disconnect,then she came back and told me she was misinformed and that there is no shut off. I'm going to go out and put a meter on the battery then go from there,any other suggestions, thank you
  • Welcome to the forum!

    Not a mistake, just part of the learning curve. I did something similar, found the drain from the backlight on the radio discharged battery over a couple week period. I installed a battery disconncet switch similar to this one on the negative cable of the battery. Three years later (with monthly use of the trailer), never another problem.

    Enjoy, and safe travels.
  • If you used the battery disconnect, it should not have drained the battery......As for the fridge not being able to shut off, I dont believe that.