Forum Discussion

rockwind1's avatar
Explorer II
Feb 15, 2018

flex tape on leaking water tank

has anyone tried this stuff? i have a 2007 attitude fsakg 33, it is a real piece of **** but i keep it going. i have 2 water tanks, i think aztec brand, they are black, both have leaks in them as does the black water tank but that crack is up top so i just drain it more often. i tried plastic welding the cracks on the water tanks but my dad sent me this link for flex tape, kind of looks like a scam but then i found a youtube video where a legitimate tester guy seems to make it work.

anyway, not worth it for buy new tanks, was wondering if anyone had used this stuff. i was also starting to think about using this super sticky roof repair tape i have, it was expensive, i think it is edpm tape, maybe it is the same stuff. eternabond is what is it called, it looks like same stuff. any thoughts appreciated, unless you make fun of me,,,,,,which may cause me to cry so choose wisely.
  • Hi Eternabond fixed my water tank in a previous RV. Use a double layer.

    One small patch covered with a larger one.

    Eternabond can even be applied underwater.
  • I plastic welded my tank, large crack at the bottom of the 120 gallon tank. has been in place for over 5 years no. also added an exptra support for the tank. I made my ownd welder but Harbor Freight sells them. can heat infuse some metal screen accross the crack and layer over it with the same material the tank is made of. don't think much of anything will really stick to polyethelene.
  • Had a leak on my first fiver black water tank at the outlet nozzle. It was ABS. Used J B Weld. Was holding when I traded 4 years later. The white/off white are usually Polyethylene. Not much sticks to them but I saw some epoxy at Home Depot the other day that said it would stick. Haven't tried it.
  • If it is just the fresh water tank, I would give the Phil Swift tape a shot. If it does not work, you will just be dripping fresh water and not stinking up the place with grey or black water....
    I cracked my grey water tank at the neck of the tank trying to get the valve out to replace it. I sanded the neck and roughed it up as best I could, then wrapped it with fiberglass cloth, and smeared epoxy all over it. The epoxy you get with the plunger that disperses the same amount and mix it and smear it on. Has not leaked in 2 years..
  • Ralph Cramden wrote:
    We keep a roll of flexseal in the boat box right next to the angle grinder and cutoff wheels. You never know when you'll get the urge to grind the boat in half.

    rockwind1 wrote:
    i have 2 water tanks, i think aztec brand, they are black,

    Black? Are they MDPE or ABS? If they're ABS, like a Valterra brand tank, you can patch them permanently using a homemade concoction. You buy ABS pellets online (Ebay) and dissolve them into a paste the consistency of peanut butter with MEK. Then spread it on while it's still nice and sticky. Strong stuff.

    If they're MDPE then flex tape may work for awhile, but plastic welding is the only permanent fix.

    To make it stronger, acquire some of the pvc type screen for screen replacement on doors and windows and cut a patch a lot bigger than your crack or hole in your tank. If its a crack, drill a small hole at each end of the crack to stop the damage from spreading. Then smear the above paste over the wire patch and a little beyond, let it set 24 hours and do it all over again with a bigger piece of plastic screen and let it set for 24 hours. I do this 3 times actually. I have used this method on several tanks over the years and the patch is stronger than then tank. After patching, I have never had it leak in that spot or around it again.
  • I don't know if it would work on the tanks, but our sky-light in the bathroom had a crack and a small leak after hitting a low tree branch. Put a strip of Flex Tape on it and it fixed the problem. Its been on now for a year, still no leak. Good Luck and Happy Camping !!!
  • We keep a roll of flexseal in the boat box right next to the angle grinder and cutoff wheels. You never know when you'll get the urge to grind the boat in half.

    rockwind1 wrote:
    i have 2 water tanks, i think aztec brand, they are black,

    Black? Are they MDPE or ABS? If they're ABS, like a Valterra brand tank, you can patch them permanently using a homemade concoction. You buy ABS pellets online (Ebay) and dissolve them into a paste the consistency of peanut butter with MEK. Then spread it on while it's still nice and sticky. Strong stuff.

    If they're MDPE then flex tape may work for awhile, but plastic welding is the only permanent fix.
  • Buy a roll of the stuff. If it works, it works. If not, you're no worse off.

    Let us know !