Forum Discussion

barney_bugle's avatar
Nov 16, 2013

Freshwater tank spewing at me

Campsite water was turned off today, so when trying to fill it,wich took for ages with hose eaven on slow it would regirgitate all over my shirt. filler hose is 1&half "approx,a new breather pipe installed. Any idea's. thanks in advance,one finger typing takes a long time.
  • Didn't say what you've got. If you're using a power fill port, there's a anti-siphon valve (one-way only) that can spit back at you. Also if using that feature, the cap is supposed to be off the gravity fill port. Otherwise, if you're using a gravity fill port, what everyone else says is true.
  • Pipeman wrote:
    I find that when the water shoots out the vent it's just getting the air out of the tank. I shut the water off until it settles down and open the tap up again and watch until the tank gets full. I don't use the type of of filler tube as seen above but I do use this one, from Camping World.

    X2, works really well.
  • Ditto on checking the vent hose. A low spot can collect water then get stopped up with algae etc.
  • Barney,

    You need to make sure the vent is not plugged as others advise. However, if you are putting water into the tank too fast, that little vent hole cannot keep up, and it needs to vent out along side of the hose that you are using to fill the tank. Those pre-made fillers are nice if not as flimsy as some suggest, but cutting off the end of an old fresh water hose works just as well. Insert the cut off end into the filler neck and connect the other to your shore water hose. I cut off 8 inches of the old hose, but you can do with more or less as you desire. I do not use or have a cutoff valve; i just fold over the hose and walk back to the shore cutoff with it in hand.
  • I find that when the water shoots out the vent it's just getting the air out of the tank. I shut the water off until it settles down and open the tap up again and watch until the tank gets full. I don't use the type of of filler tube as seen above but I do use this one, from Camping World.
  • CloudDriver wrote:
    I made something like this from some 1/2" tubing and a hose adapter from Home Depot. No valve on mine. The small tubing allows the air to escape from the tank without back flow or over pressurizing the tank.

    I have one of those. The shutoff yellow plastic is on my hose and the tube is inside my fresh water tank....blew right off...gone :S
  • If you can fashion an adaptor hose that has less of a diameter than the filler opening that might help. Worked for me. Also be sure you totally fill the filler opening by pushing the regular hose in too far, it blocks the air in the tank that is being (trying to be, at least) displaced. Try holding the filler hose away from the filler opening and see if that stops the "spewing." If so, you know the smaller hose is the cure.

    Let us know what you find out.


    On edit: Oh, I see ColdDriver beat me to the punch…. Yes, what he and Old-Biscuit said. :)
  • I made something like this from some 1/2" tubing and a hose adapter from Home Depot. No valve on mine. The small tubing allows the air to escape from the tank without back flow or over pressurizing the tank.
  • Air has to get out of tank as water goes in (and back in as water gets sucked out)

    It's not venting and therefore the air in tank has to come back up the fill tube.

    Vent line is either kinked, has a low spot--trapping water or is plugged