Forum Discussion

crewstx's avatar
Sep 02, 2014

Goodyear G614 tires wheel question

I have a Montana 3400RL 2010 and am changing to Goodyear G614 tires. I have Treadit TO4 8 aluminum wheel rims which are rated for the 110 psi and the 3750 pounds but they are 16x6 size rims and the Goodyear site says the G615 235/85/16G uses a 6 1/2 rim. Have any of you changed to G614's with Treadit rims or what size rims are you using and manufacturer plus experiences. I am wondering if the 6 vs 6 1/2 rim width is significant.
  • SH wrote:
    I hope it is not an issue as I just ordered the GY for our Alpenlite which has 6 inch steel rims. The current tires are Freestar and stamped DO NOT MOUNT ON 6.5 RWHEELS. Our previous rig (Big Country) had the GY 614's with 6" rims. But...I do not have a definitive answer to your question! :(

    Your alpenlite came with good Year G-159 tires and then the 159's became the G-614 tire so you should be good to go if the wheels are original. You might crawl under the trailer and inspect the welds that hold the outter to the inner parts. Some were welded on 4 areas and some were welded around the circle. The four weld wheels were recalled many years ago. worth a look.

  • I hope it is not an issue as I just ordered the GY for our Alpenlite which has 6 inch steel rims. The current tires are Freestar and stamped DO NOT MOUNT ON 6.5 RWHEELS. Our previous rig (Big Country) had the GY 614's with 6" rims. But...I do not have a definitive answer to your question! :(