Forum Discussion

RedLionCookie's avatar
Feb 13, 2018

Grand Design Reflection 29RS - Or Comparable

I'm making plans to purchase a new 5'ver. I have a 2007 Dodge Mega with the Hemi. It is rated for 10,000 lbs. I really like the floorplan of the Grand Design but I'd like to consider some other brands with similar options.

Obviously weight needs to be considered (8000 dry). It is just my wife and I so we are looking for something with a rear living room and no bunkhouse. I would also like an outdoor kitchen.

What do others have that I should consider? Thoughts from those who own the Grand Design. Likes/Dislikes etc?
  • Forget dry weights - work only with the GVWR from the sticker on the fifth wheel you are considering. Use 23% of that number for an estimated loaded pin weight. Using that pin weight, determine whether or not you have enough rear axle capacity remaining on the truck after it is fueled up, loaded, all passengers are aboard, and the weight of your hitch added. This can be obtained by utilizing nearby CAT scales, the door sticker on your truck, and a calculator. Forget the general towing numbers published by the manufacturer.

    That said, it's hard to do better in that price and weight range than the Reflection... but I'm prejudiced that way.
