machunt wrote:
i have a curt 5th wheel hitch and ive already made adjustments to it. while on vacation i had a couple occasions where the bottom of my 5ver bottomed out against the bed of my truck. how can i increase the didtance between my 5th wheel and rails of my truck, without getting everthing else out of whack?
Really would be helpful to know what truck and trailer you have, first off.
Simple things: "flip" the axles (put the springs on top of the axle tube) if not already done; if there are adjustment holes on the spring hangers, make sure you're in the lowest hole. If your truck is fairly recent, there may be factory spacer blocks that can be removed to lower it. If your truck is as low as you can get it (easily) and the FW's as high as you can (easily) get it, and you're still not happy with the spacing, then the only real solution is to add a sub-frame between the springs and the FW frame to get you where you need. You used to be able to gain 2" by adding a CorrectTrack alignment system, but that's been discontinued.
Rule of thumb is 6", minimum, bed rail clearance while maintaining the FW level. 2-3" nose high won't really hurt much, IMO, other than (possibly) ride, so if you need it, don't be afraid to raise the hitch or lower the pin box a hole.