richfaa wrote:
LostinAZ wrote:
richfaa wrote:
Lippert builds over 60% of all frames so they may have more problems.
Yep, we owners need to make excuses for Lippert
I did not flunk my course in probabilities. Minimum common sense will indicate that the more of a product in use the greater probability of failure even if the % is the same..
I know what you meant is correct, but the way it is worded is wrong. If you want to get all technical n stuff it should read...
"the greater the number of a product in use the greater the number of those products will have failures given a % of failure greater than zero"
The percent chance of a trailer failing is not dependent on the number of exact same trailers in existence. Every identical trailer has the same percent chance of failure regardless of the number of like trailers.
Said another way, the chance of a trailer failing is the same no matter how many are made.