Does she have a Suburban or an Atwood Water Heater?
2000 year model
*Electric On/off switch in outside compartment. They fail/exposed to elements
*High Temp T-stat trips at 170*F ...manual reset (Push To Reset cover above gas valve----Left button is for 120V AC element)
*Connecting wire between High t-stat and normal temp t-stat can burn into
*Element under cover below gas valve-----with 120VAC circuit breaker off disconnect the black/white wires
Check continuity between the 2 terminals. NO continuity...element bad.
Check continuity between white wire terminal and element flange...Got continuity---element shorted
That vintage has separate controls for electric & propane
120V AC circuit breaker>>>>>On/Off switch on backside of Water Heater
On/Off switch to set of t-stats....ECO (High Temp has manual rest button in center of t-stat)
Element...same continuity tests as above
(Element and set of t-stat UNDER the cover on backside of water heater)