Forum Discussion

wowens79's avatar
Explorer III
Sep 19, 2023

How do you decide how much to spend on an RV

We've been RVing for 16-17 years now, and are looking for a new RV, but are struggling on how much we are willing to spend. We are pretty conservative when it comes to spending money.

We really want a Brinkley Z3100, which will end up probably a little over $80k, but it puts a knot in our stomachs thinking about spending that much money on something that is going to depreciate. Should we settle and spend like $40k on another TT?

We bought an new F-350 last year not knowing what kind of camper we wanted, so we bought a truck to pull what ever we decided on, so we don't have to worry about a new truck.

We could sell some non retirement stock, and pay cash for it, and we would still have an emergency fund of a years expenses. We have no debt other than our mortgage, and it is about a third of our homes value, and financed at 2.4%. It would take us about 2 years to replace the funds if we went with the Brinkley. We are in out mid 50's, and have put 12-15% in our 401k since our early 20's so we should be fine for retirement if the market performs like it has historically.

Should we bite the bullet??
  • In my opinion, Wait a few months, you’ll be able to buy it at recession prices. The down side of that is your 2016 will be correspondingly worth less also. I’d say it’s not really an optimal time to buy a depreciating asset.