Forum Discussion

tbax46's avatar
Nov 16, 2017

How long to wait for delivery

I just signed papers on 2018 Reflection 5th wheel and it’s one they have on the lot. I delivered the check to them and now they tell me it will take another week before they ewill have it ready for the PDI. Is it normal to take another week after final closing to pick up your unit? I do not live near the dealer. We have already made two round trip journeys to get the deal done 3 hours each trip. They actually wanted to put it off another five days.
The sales and finance departments did a great job and we were very pleased with them. Service department is beginning to tarnish the experience.
We are camped out in the trade in no where near our home base but that doesn’t seem to phase them.
Is this normal? Or am I being unreasonable in my expectations?