Cummins12V98 wrote:
SUMRX4 wrote:
enblethen wrote:
Cold will make hydraulics work slow. Some hydraulic systems use various types of fluid which effects system operation.
What system do you have and what fluid is in it?
Some hydraulic systems, not nessesarily rvs, have screens on the intake to the pump that can become restricted.
My unit is a new KZ Durango Gold with an LCI system. Have no idea what type of fluid is in it. Haven’t looked into that yet. Was just here searching for clues.
You should know where your tank is located and what the correct fluid is along with the correct fluid level and how to check it.
If you have any single acting cylinders in the system, you don't want to add fluid unless need it when fully retracted.
Strange fact about oil; Over the last few decades at least some of the guys that drill water wells have switched to vegetable oil like used for cooking in their hydraulic systems. Under high pressure, a leak can contaminate a large area, and sometimes underground. Clean-up cost from a broken line could bankrupt them.
What would you do in a state park?