Forum Discussion

Jun 16, 2013

I think I may have caught the little buggar!!!

The buggar being an elusive leak in the bedroom. The water tended to concentrate in the closet on the passenger side in the front of the bedroom. I sealed and resealed everything in sight. The leak kept getting smaller but still the source remained illusive. :hI pulled out all of the insulation batting as it does nothing but hold moisture. Worse thing they ever used in RV's. Replaced it with 2" Styrofoam. The last culprit seems to have been an area under the rain gutter on the driver side that had a small opening in it. I caulked it big time and waited for the next rain. What appeared to be happening is that rain seeped into this opening and rolled across the aluminum frame and ended up dripping into the closet on the other side. The moral of the story is if you have a leak somewhere in your RV you may be surprised where it actually originates.:S Happy RV'ing to all of you.:)
  • mpfireman wrote:
    My son works for one of the leading airline carriers. They regularly check there aircraft for leaks. The jest of the story is that since you can not smoke on any carriers now, finding these leaks is harder. Prior, all he had to do was look for the smoke stain's on the aircraft fuselage, as the aircraft is always pressurized in flight.
    If you pressurize your RV, you will be surprised as to all of those air leaks you will find.

    Is that the "jist" of the story.....-or-...shirley you "jest"?

    (And don't call him Shirley!)..:W

  • Glad you found your leak.

    I found what may have been one where the awning bracket had tore the side of the camper.

    I may have been well the previous owner got into a tree it looks like. And well tore the roof in 3 place over the toilet room, biggest was 3x5 v shaped tear. I'd noticed the wall looked like it had been wet in the past (the wall paper was wrinkled), but thought it was fixed, till some one used the toilet in the rain.

    Good news I fixed a sloppy repair job, bad news is it's need a new roof including plywood under the membrane.
  • My son works for one of the leading airline carriers. They regularly check there aircraft for leaks. The jest of the story is that since you can not smoke on any carriers now, finding these leaks is harder. Prior, all he had to do was look for the smoke stain's on the aircraft fuselage, as the aircraft is always pressurized in flight.
    If you pressurize your RV, you will be surprised as to all of those air leaks you will find.
  • Firm believer that if you have a phantom leak - take the rig in and have it pressure tested - less than $100 and takes the mystery out of.
  • There was a picture of a RV that has a fan blowing in air to pressurize it, and the owner used a 1 gallon chemical spray bottle to cover it with soapy water. Found many leaks that way.

  • Glad you found the problem. That a leak here can appear far away, over there, is a lesson from stick and brick construction as well. When you have a leak somewhere, it is unusual for it to appear directly below the actual problem. You must look far and wide for possible sources. And if a fix doesn't do the job, it merely means you need to look even farther afield.