Forum Discussion

laknox's avatar
Apr 24, 2015

Jayco Eagle HT 27.5RLTS vs Crossroads Cruiser Aire CAF27RL

OK, y'all. I'm leaning towards the above FWs as a replacement for my current '04 Komfort. I'd love to hear comments/impressions/problems from anyone who owns, or has owned, one.

With the Jayco, I'd be moving from a 29' OAL, low-profile, single-super-slide, =heavy= FW, to one that's almost 2' longer, 30'11" OAL, triple slide, mid-profile that grosses 1,300 lbs LESS than my Komfort. The only real issue I have with the Jayco is the size of the black tank, as I'd be giving up almost 13 gallons' capacity, 45 vs 32.5, which does concern me as we do like to boondock. I'd gain 3 gal fresh water and 20 gal grey capacity. It's about 11'9" tall, with a single A/C. I do like the 2-year warranty, too.

On the Cruiser Aire, I'd be about 29'11" OAL, one super-slide and a small wardrobe slide. I'd gain about 11 gal fresh water capacity, but lose abut 5 gal black and grey capacity. It grosses about 100 lbs more than my Komfort, but is a mid-profile, at 12' with a single A/C.

If you have suggestions on other models, very similar to these 2, I'd also appreciate knowing about them.

  • CR has been hit or miss on quality over the past few yrs, so you would need to have a good dealer. From the numbers, it must have 5200 lb axles and more carrying capacity than you can probably use. It also has a tub.

    The Jayco has a corner shower and in a small bathroom, access may be awkward. The opposing slides will give you a more open living area if they don't cause a problem in tight camping spots (not likely since the street side slides are not full depth and all RVs need sufficient curb side space for door access anyway).

    I've never had a problem with a 32 gal black tank, for just 2 people it is sufficient for 2 weeks. Both units are using conventional slide mechanisms for the main slides (CR had problems when they tried using the Schwintek system on the main slides).

    With just a quick look at both units, I'd probably go with the Jayco due to the layout and hopefully better quality. But then there are many more details in the equation.
  • Lyle, I think the floor plan of the Jayco is much nicer than the Cruiser 27. I think you should be comparing the CAF28SE, to the Jayco. It is the same floor plan. Yes, it is a shade heavier, but not much.

    I happened to see the exact Jayco, at a local park. It is nice looking! The only thing I noticed, when looking at the model sticker, was that it had 4400 lb. axles. If the Cruiser had 5200 lb. axles, that would be a plus. You'd get bigger brakes, bigger bearings, and a more stout tube.

    I wouldn't be afraid of a little more weight on your 2500, even if you had to add a little suspension enhancement.

    I think the opposing rear slides are a nice feature.
