Forum Discussion

hsypher's avatar
Apr 24, 2014

Kids in the toyhauler?

My family is looking to live in a fifth wheel full time next year so we can travel with my husband for school. We want our two little kids to have a separate room and have been debating between a bunk house and a toyhauler that comes with beds. I know they design those toyhaulers with the potential for people to sleep in, but my kids are still very young and I worry about it being too cold. Does anyone have experience with this? Do some brands have better insulation than others? One of the reasons we want a toyhauler is we think it will be easier to sell down the road than a big fifth wheel with a bunk house. Would it actually make a difference?
  • Youtube has a series of videos from a family of Six living in an RV. A toyhauler to be exact. Look them up... they have some really nifty ideas on storage.

    Living in an RV with 6 Kids Part 1: Food ...sorry not sure how to add a direct link.
  • Thats the reason I purchased a toy hauler. We only have one child and didn't need a bunkhouse 5th wheel with sleeping for 3 or 4. My son alternates between the loft and the garage for sleeping (and our bed sometimes).
  • We bought our TH just for that reason- so the kids could have there "own" room when we go camping. Ours didn't have a heater vent in the garage but it did have a/c. I added a heat vent to the garage but honestly it didn't do much good. The garages don't seem to be insulated as well as the main living area. With that being said we picked up a small electric heater that has that knock over protection- it shuts off if knocked over or if it overheats. With one little heater going- it keeps the garage at 72* when it's 30* outside. I got the heater at Target- think it cost 21.99
  • There is a lot to consider. Most Toy Haulers have a much higher tongue weight, so you need a capable truck. Many, if not most, don't have much insulation so that needs to be something you investigate. Check how much air flow gets in the back, again these are garages so some just get enough to take the chill off, you may need a space heater to keep it warm. Putting down carpet can help take the chill off the floor, but that back door can transfer a lot of cold air so you might need to hang carpet or a blanket there.
  • Once I convinced my kids (age 7) that the garage was not a "garage" but their own room then they were happy. My TH has a larger water heater, generator, tanks, etc. TH is working well for us.
  • no kids, but personally I would suggest the TH, separate garage so they have there own room, put two small desks against the front wall so they can still lower the beds and not get in the way, room to haul there bikes or whatever when your camped. I would also suggest either a pull down screen for fresh air, OR even better the add a room deck kits for the ramp door to open up there play area.

    as said most now have ducted air and heat in the garage area ( or there own unit )so they should be very comfortable, look for an Arctic package / whatever its called based on the manufacturer. hey can never have enough insulation. also most have a separate door from the garage so the kids can come and go on there own I think the toughest choice will be the lower bunk, should it be a Dinette? 2 couches? anyway good luck, and go look at them only you can really know what will be best for you.
  • Most TH have air and heat in the garage. You can always add electric blankets (if they are old enough). My friend has a BH with small kids and she bought one of those decorative fireplaces/actually a heater and she keeps it in the BH room.
  • I would think if you have no use for a toyhauler you would be better of with a bunk house 5th wheel. They have separate rooms for the kids and you will have more nice living space. JMHO