There are many factors involved that should effect your decision. Most important is floorplan. Can you spend the time comfortably. The more you compromise the less time you will want to spend. If you are seasonal or full time living (ie 6 months) you require a better build strength to withstand daily use-so something full time rated. Are you staying in extreme climates? If so dual pane windows and thicker walls / dual ac etc all add weight. Do you tow through high mountain passes? If so a truck that is up to the stress of the weight it is pulling and handling is hugely important. Honesty with yourself is what will help with all of this. What is perfect for me will be different for you. We are on our 3rd 5th wheel and each was perfect for the time we bought- needs and wants do change - but we always bought with an eye to solving multiple limitations of the previous rig. As you see it is not as simple as heavier = better. Also you can spend huge $$ and be unhappy. Research and more research. For the most part ignore salesmen as their motivation is usually in conflict with yours.