D.E.Bishop wrote:
Bedlam wrote:
What about the hidden shackle style locks?

BTW: I also use the disc style lock. About every three years I have to flush them with WD40 to get the road grime out, but no other problems with them after 9 years.
American makes a hidden shackle and I believe both companies make the hasps for those locks. I like the American because you can swap out the cores if you want to rekey for any reason. Even with a battery powered or 120vac powered saw cutting these off is da## near impossible.
Yeah, but why would you try to cut the padlock when it would be easier to cut the securing handle? I bet I could cut through the handle in a couple of minutes with a simple manual hacksaw. A $200 lockset on a hollow core door doesn't make that door any more secure. A lock is only as good as the surrounding material. Put a decent padlock on it and forget about it.