Forum Discussion

Mickey_G's avatar
Sep 17, 2017

Louvered tailgates

How many of you have the louvered tailgate on your truck?
I found one for $150 on Craigslist, and am wondering if its worth it, or just stay with my stock tailgate?
  • You won't see any change in real world fuel mileage, but it removes a couple steps from the hitch and unhitch scenario. I love mine and would get another one if I ever changed trucks.
  • I like mine a lot.

    If it is a metal one, steel or alum, $150 is a very good buy.

    If it is the plastic one, not such a good buy.
  • Out of 5 trucks, I had one.... I did like it. I didn't notice any difference in fuel mileage, tho. It was easier to hook up an unhook, but you still had to watch to make sure the king pin cleared. I would have one again except for the costs.