Forum Discussion

Nicholsfamily05's avatar
Aug 12, 2016

New hitch head or... Questions

So yesterday we went to pick up our new trailer and they were supposed to have ordered me a new Reese 20,000lb hitch. The whole thing slider rails and all but found out they only ordered me the head. Still hasn't been delivered.

So they let me use their hitch to get my trailer home and said the head should be in by Saturday.

But here is my question

Right now I have the Reese 15k pro slider hitch. The man in charge of service and all said the reason they ordered me just the head is the base is entirely the same except for the one we looked at had round slider rails.
He said to keep the rectangular rails and base as they are built better than the new ones.
Is the base the same on all their set ups and changing out the head is the way to go?

The base I have says it is rated for 3750lbs and the new trailer is 2250lbs plus extra when loaded.

They didn't have any hitches on the show room floor for me to compare and my friends all have 12k

  • The dealer is correct. The picture you have shown gives the hitch head rating...not the base.

    A square tube Reese slider base is compatable with a 20k hitch head. In other words...unbolt the old 15k...bolt in the new 20k and you are good to go.

    Just verify your part numbers with Reese and make sure that your base is what I am thinking of. Here are some links for you

    15k hitch head

    Here is the slider base that shows its compatable with the 20k hitch head.

    Square Tube Slider base


  • I have a reese 20,000 lbs hitch my pin weigh rated5,000 lbs or base.