It's befuddling at this day and time when our tire experts and tire dealers and yes even tire makers tell us whatever one may think they know about tire pressures for our trucks do not apply to tires on a trailer. And why owners think their better off with way too much tire for the trailer to the point the tire has to be derated with low pressures.
Minimum pressures work great for a vehicle like our trucks with tires at the corners where the front set turns into the corner and the rear set simply follows vs a vehicle such as a RV trailer that has close spaced axles in the center of the vehicle which cause the tire to side scrub around every corner and every backing maneuver. And a host of other reasons experts/tire makers warn us about.
The Endurance is new and popular and has been out for less than two years. It will take time (years) and miles of service will tell their story. I would say from their much improved looks they should prove to be a much more reliably tire that their predecessors.