bpounds wrote:
Red Wolf wrote:
Hi all! Our new 12.5' tall will be arriving in a few weeks, and I wanted to ask you wise, older 5ers....how often do you need to worry about low bridges? I figure if I'm on interstates it's not an issue, but I'm not usually traveling on interstates, but back roads, I thought I'd ask. :)
Our Jayco TT was only 11.5' tall, and I never worried about it.
I never "worry" about bridges. But I am always aware of bridges. Seen plenty of them that would be too low for any travel trailer, but always in locations I wouldn't be pulling one anyway.
Just pay attention and you'll be okay. Anything less than 14' will be clearly marked.
And definitely measure the rig yourself. Don't believe any literature. Then, so I don't forget how tall I am, I made these labels for the fiver. They are always visible in my mirrors and keep the limits in my head.

A+ on originality! Great idea.