caysea7254 wrote:
So we picked up our 2015 Grand Design Reflection last night and hubby had a very hard time backing into our driveway and told him he was too close to the mail box but of course he was at wits end by now cause that was about his 5th try backing up and guess what he scraped the side of our trailer with the mail box!!!!!!! Now we have to get it fixed!!!! He was very upset, but he thinks it is much harder to back 5th wheel than our trailer. But it is tight squeeze for him to get in driveway. Anyway that is our happy little story bringing home the new 5th!!!! Lol it is what it is:)
Okay, Just relax! It happens! Get it fixed and learn from it!
Tell your hubby to watch the wheels with an eye on the mail box! Start backing just like with a TT but this time when the wheels get even with the mailbox, he begins his turn! In time he will hit it the first time every time and maybe there will be days when the juices just aren't flowing the right way and he will have to make a couple pull ups to get it in the drive straight. We all do it and he shouldn't let one little dust up shake his confidence!
If your confidence is gone then the good camp sites might be also because they all aren't easy to get into! Once he heads the advice, he will love the way a 5er handles, forward or backing up!
Just keep in mind that the 5er has a quicker response time when turning which is especially nice when backing into a camp site!
You can take it from me, I was a truck driver in my other life and hauled lots and lots of over sized, heavy and wide loads and had to back into some precarious places! I have driven dump trucks with a low boy trailer and then LO Boys as in semi with as much as 6 axles!With some jobs, you can only learn by the seat of your pants and pulling a 5er is one of those jobs
Confidence is key and to say to ones self, " I can do this" is a positive affirmation! I am a self taught truck driver and use positive affirmations in all aspects of my life! KEEP ON RVING!