proptwister wrote:
The boys and I do quite a bit of four wheeling and our '07 Raptor 3814 has served us well so something to haul the bikes was a must have. Had about decided to go with a super C with an enclosed trailer as I just wasn't impressed with what I was seeing out there. Was really looking to trade this spring but just couldn't find anything that said, "That's the one!". Was at our local RV dealer early last week looking at a few coaches when I noticed this unit near the entrance. Thought, "Hey. Thats a toy hauler!" They had just opened so I was able to look the entire unit over for about an hour before anyone noticed me. Just really impressed with the build, layout, and looks of the unit. Did some research on Grand Designs. Looks like they are really an up and coming company.
It is a little heavier than the Raptor as it was only a single slide. GCVW on the Raptor was 15,500. The 355 is 18,000. Dually will probably be in the works this spring.
I'll keep you posted on how it goes.
Way too expensive for us but definitely one of, if not the, nicest toy hauler we saw at the Hershey PA show a few weeks ago. Very nice and congrats!