lanerd wrote:
So, are you telling me you go to Talladega and watch the race on your TV rather than in the stands? And if yes, why watch it outside rather than inside? That doesn't compute and does not answer my question. Again, no disrespect, I'm just trying to understand the reasoning for watching tv outside.
I was an anti outside TV guy
I went a long time before I installed outside TV. I was inspired by a similar thread on the Open Range forum.
I had an extra TV and mount that I was not using so I figured why not? The TV was just sitting around collecting dust so I figured I might get a little use out of it.
Turns out the outside TV is a cool thing to have. When camping I spend most of my time outside. Being able to casually watch a game or keep track of the score is nice. If I truly want to watch TV I have a large HD TV inside the rig,however for casual watching the small outdoor TV works well.
My wife who is not as fond of the outdoors as I am, has gravitated outside as well if the weather is nice. She enjoys watching TV outside when the conditions are right.
Don't get me wrong watching TV outdoors is not the focus of our camping,however the TV has added another option to our camping experience.
Simply put, watching TV outside is a neat thing to do on occasion. I like the outdoor TV more than I ever thought I would.
I do keep the sound level down and I am aware of my fellow campers and try not to disturb them.
The outdoor TV has been a worthwhile mod for me.