Forum Discussion

Dbakevlar's avatar
Sep 09, 2018

Oven Pilot Won’t Light

Hello Everyone!
New member of the forum here- We are living and working in a new 2018 Open Range 370rbs 5th wheel and the oven worked the first couple weeks. Now the pilot isn’t lit and the oven doesn’t seem to want to light manually.
1. There isn’t any smell of gas when we turn on the oven.
2. What steps do posters recommend to test or troubleshoot this issue?
3. Are there any concerns, (gas line blocked, gas leaks, etc.) that we should watch for?

We have a stop at our RV place in the next week, but we’re only slotted to have three warranty items checked in on and as is the norm, we have a list that we’re trying to knock down to get to the priorities!

Thank you in advance!

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  • Thought I had the answer for you, until you mentioned that it had worked previously.
    We took our maiden voyage in our new FW last weekend.
    Wife couldn't get the refrigerator to run on propane while we traveled.
    So she had suffer through leaving the refrigerator off for the hour and 15 minutes it took us to get to our campground.
    Then couldn't get the stove to light.
    Worked with it for a while and finally were able to get the stove to work with the alternate propane tank.
    Never could get it to work on the main tank.
    Finally took the main tank out of its compartment weighed about 5#.
    The sorry dealer we bought the trailer from didn't fill both tanks for us.
  • The first time I tried to light mine, it took me forever to get it lighted. I didn't realize you had to hold the button down while lighting (my old trailer didn't require it). I feel like a contortionist lighting it, but it lights consistently now that I know how to do it correctly.
  • It should be lighting. I have found that I sometimes have to use the lighter to heat up the sensor a bit, before the pilot will stay lit. I also noticed that the pilot will get bigger, the hotter the sensor gets.

    When I got my camper new(2007), I also could not light the pilot. Rather then drag it back to the dealer, the dealer allowed me to swap parts. Thermal coupler(flame sensor) first, did not fix it. I ended up changing out the whole gas value for the oven to fix the problem. My dealer provided the parts at no cost.

    Robert Wynkoop
  • So just to review, you have to hold in the oven knob and wait 20-30 seconds to get the gas to flow before use the BBQ lighter to light the pilot light. Then continue to hold it for another 20-30 second to heat the cap tube.

    This is given the the burners light and work fine.

    The new propane tanks can trip the safety valve if the tank is open to quickly. Chris
  • Do the cooktop burners light? If not, check the autochangeover regulator and propane tanks.
    Propane will not flow, and the oven burner will not light even with a flame held under it, unless the temperature sensor above the pilot light is hot. You might have to hold a gas lighter under the pilot light for 10-15 seconds while holding the pilot knob down.