Forum Discussion

natalie_lewis's avatar
Jul 25, 2013

Pack a Mini Cooper in a Toy Hauler?

We're wanting to take our Mini with us as we road trip across America with our kids. Since the hubby will be working and using the truck, the kids and I need a car to zip around and explore. We don't want to add length to the rig so thought we'd just stick it in the toy hauler garage. Looking at the Voltage 3800. I know there's concern about the angle of the garage lift gate and low center. Has anyone actually taken a car in this manner?
  • This would do better over in the Tow Hauler section. Chris
  • packnrat wrote:
    instead of a car take a couple moto bikes. better millage then a car, far easer parking than a car, lighter weight than a car,
    with a blue tooth deal you can talk back and forth about the sights.

    and the best part is how much better most any rd is on a bike.

    not wanting a "bike" how about a trike?

    Unfortunately, the op has kids and motor bikes aren't easily setup for kids.

    natalie lewis wrote:
    with our kids
  • instead of a car take a couple moto bikes. better millage then a car, far easer parking than a car, lighter weight than a car,
    with a blue tooth deal you can talk back and forth about the sights.

    and the best part is how much better most any rd is on a bike.

    not wanting a "bike" how about a trike?


  • No sweat. I put our smart car in one of the toy haulers we had set up at sturgis north.

  • natalie lewis wrote:
    I know there's concern about the angle of the garage lift gate and low center.

    That can be mitigated with ramps at the end of the door so you have a longer entry.
  • Depends on the 5'ers GVWR, the weight of the loaded 5'er without the auto, the weight of the auto, and the 5'ers center of gravity when loaded with the auto. Might work, might not.

    Happy camping!!! See y'all down the road!!!:)