thomas201 wrote:
Back when we pulled the trailers with dinosaurs, and I drove commercial, part of our training was to keep the paperwork: Neat, complete and accurate. So mine for the tow and towed vehicles are in plastic bags in the glove box. The plastic prevents water and coffee damage. Keep them in the same place so you can find them. Police of all kinds like the paper work in order. If we are crossing the border, as others have said the passports, my yellow card and the dog's shot record is also in there. Now I will also add the covid records.
My commercial rigs, I carried a binder. In the front, a pocket for BIL, and temporary permits. First page was plastic sleeve with copy of DL and med card. Next sleeve, registration, and proof of liability insurance. Annual inspection report. Next was the 2 state blanket permits. Sadie's shot records. Then log pages/daily inspection report for last 10 days. Keep all the paperwork needed on roadside together. Always kept trailer registration in a water tight tube mounted to the trailer. Never had a issue, but didn't want to need it and it is in the other truck. Camper, it is in a envelope taped high up on a compartment door where I can get to it from outside. In the pickup, open glove box door, everything is in that baggie taped to the door. Why need to hunt for it?