Forum Discussion

Traveler_II's avatar
Apr 25, 2016

Permanently Parking A 5th Wheel

The last 17 years we’ve been RVing, part of it full-timing the rest half timing. It’s time for plan B. We’re considering taking our fiver to a place in Arizona we like and parking it permanently. Sell our truck and if we don’t like the location after some time pay to have it moved to another location. My question is what do we needs to consider in putting our rig in one spot, tires, suspension, Big Foot system-(auto level), holding tanks, bracing, skirting, etc. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  • If you are looking for permanent, changing the waste plumbing from tanks to direct to sewer can eliminate draining tanks, and the chemicals that go with them. A change from RV throne to a stick and brick one is about all that is needed inside, the rest is plumbing underneath.
  • You need to check with the Park for their requirements. Don't know about out West, but the park in Florida where we Winter requires Units to be blocked and tied down if being left on the site.
  • Can't answer all your questions but we do have friends in the park we go to in Yuma. All are skirted, sewer no problem as your hook ups are on your site as well as power & water. I believe but not positive that all the frame is blocked up. Can't testify to what happens inside when temps climb and our friends adios back to Canada other than leaving a few vents open, taking all canned goods (so they won't explode) and leaving 5 gallon buckets of water inside for humidity. Perhaps they leave a key to full timers in the park for that. Cheers, M
  • Park it, level it, stabilize it, hook up utilities

    Just like you have been doing for past 17 yrs.

    Just staying longer