Forum Discussion

GaHighPockets's avatar
Jan 10, 2014

Propane tank issues (low pressure)

I was away from my 5er (Carriage) over the holidays and on my return my furnace which has always worked would not come on but storve top and hotwater would both work on gas.
1) I first checked my gas, one tank empty, the other with a little gas (red-green indicator was half green & half red).
2) I filled both 40# tanks ( did empty one first then went back and filled other.
3) Opened valve very very slowly so as to not trip excess flow valve and sytem presureise but only a little green showed on indicator. I repeated this over and over with one tank then the other , same result.
4) closed both valves, went inside lit stove and bled gas pressure then turned stove off.
5) repeated slow tank valve opening process, still only a little green on indicator, repeated process numerous times with no improvement.
6) went in side, and tried hot water heater, lit up with no issue.
7) pig tail hoses from tank seemed hard so I changed out both, still no luck.
8) during this whole time I would try the furnace, it would cycle, 9I could hear gas solinoid valve click up when fan flow was up to speed, hear igniter clicking) but would not fire.
9) I suspected low gas pressure so I turned furnace back on, went out side and put hand over the fresh air intake for the furnace, it would light right up and make heat as long as I kept intake mostly obstructed.
10) Read that cold temp might be an issue so I warmed up the lp tank locker with a 100 w change.
11) I have read about hoses and regulators but all of this is down stream of the red green inicator so issue appears to be between tank and the indicator fixture and not down stream.
12) I also have a 39' Sundowner with lQ and a surburban furnace, those tanks are outside, not in an enclosure, the only difference being that the pig tails for those 20# tanks do not have the new type connectors (they screw in utilizing the internal threads of the tank valves and have worked fine with the same outside temps. Horse trailer is in mid ga. and I have RV in NW ga.

I have been rving for many years and finally and begrudginly admit defeat, any advise or comment would be appreciated.