Forum Discussion

roothoss1282's avatar
Nov 06, 2015

Pullrite Super Glide? or Reese manual?

I have a 2015 F-250 6.2 short box or 6 3/4 and the prices I got to day were Super Glide and all the you need with it was $686 more than the Reese Glide manual hitch. Is it worth the money?? Also how often do you need to slide it back and are you normally in a place where its a nightmare to do it?? ( Like in traffic }
  • I guess I should say that I don't have a 5er yet. My wife doesn't retire for a year and looking for the great deal on a rear kitchen. Maybe I am jumping the gun a little. I no some of the 5ers now I might not need a slider??
  • sure seems worth it when you forget to manually set the hitch back on a quick u turn and have to get a new side for your cab.