Why lose money on quality when they can't sell em fast enough? Until they have to have stiff competition from sales where quality is part of the equation then quality will always take a back seat to bling. Most buyers just look at the outside (curb appeal) and then when they go inside they want to see cool features and nice color coordinated interiors. Fancy swirly designs on valances, recliners, pull out faucets, etc. Most don't have a clue about CCC, what tires are on it, is there gussets welded above the spring hangers for extra strength. They don't look inside the cabinets to see the mess back there, They just want a cool looking RV. I know this is true because I read so many times about buyers complaining about things that should've been noticed before even deciding to purchase the RV. Like I didn't realize the steps were so tall going into the bedroom. My recliner doesn't work right. The stereo won't play DVD's. Most are too enamored with all the cheap plastic bling to do in depth research. And many don't really know that there's cheap stuff in RV's. Just hang out an an RV show and it's amazing what turns people on.