Forum Discussion

batavia02's avatar
Oct 17, 2017

Quality getting any better?

Question all this is open question to 5 th wheel owners from what I have read it seems that 5 th wheel workmanship is getting worse not better .I do not mean poor work-workmanship at the dealer level or damage in transit or the well documented tire issues I mean factory floor workmanship that is bad welds, parts not being installed correctly or flat out wrong am curious to know what the opionins and is the workmanship on grand design as good as the customer service seems to be I read how good the customer care is the only make and model with any good workmanship is northwood and outdoor rv our in Oregon in that at least they make their own frames thanks all
  • 2oldman wrote:
    Longest sentence ever. Are you asking about Grand Design?

    Exactly what I thought. I could hardly decipher through it.

    If you are in fact asking about Grand Design, I will have had mine a year in November and my only issues so far is a slightly leaking black tank valve, and a suspect area in the gasket around the rear window (which has not leaked). That's it.

    It will be going back to the dealer towards the end of the month for these issues to be resolved and a good inspection prior to the end of my one year warranty.

    My in-laws also have a 2018 337 setting in the barn next to ours. They had a faulty switch on the fridge that caused the fan to run constantly. They've had it 4 months and 3 trips so far with one to Florida and that's the only issue for them so far. They are also extremely pleased. We bought from the same dealer who completed a very good and detailed PDI and I believe that makes a tremendous difference!

    Me and my family are thrilled with our Grand Design 303!
  • anyofythemaregoingtohaveissues.findtheonethatyoulikethebestandgoforit.northwoodandoutdoorsrvhavetheirtroublestoo. theyforthemostpartusethesamestuffsowhileitmaynotbethemfgfaultyoustillwillgetproblemswithall.
  • Longest sentence ever. Are you asking about Grand Design?
  • Even the so-called high end units and those brands mentioned in your OP have their share of problems. When we purchased our current rig a decade ago the factory could not keep up with orders and opened additional production facilities to keep up, no different than today with RVs selling like hotcakes. I'm handy and prefer to work on our rig personally, under warranty dealer had no problem providing parts.

    Most issues were small and easily remedied, added many modifications along the way and it still is providing us lots of RVing fun although we are currently searching for a floorplan that is better suited for couples and extended living. Grand Design is on our shortlist as are others, have no qualms on purchasing our next rig knowing I will only purchase from a dealer that is willing to go the extra mile to make it right.
  • We did a LOT of traveling over this last camping season, from South Carolina to the Dakota's, and never saw a single 5er broke down anywhere.
  • Not in my opinion. A long list of build quality issues, but in fairness, the factory/dealer have been good to deal with. My Cardinal goes back to FR next month for some roof leaks the dealer cant seem to fix, and at the same time will be doing a factory PDI including a laundry list of items I provided them.

    Ask me again in mid-December when I get it back, and we'll see.