My wife and I own a 2013 Bay Hill 320RS, pretty much the first year Evergreen manufactured the Bay Hill. If you read the IRV forums you'll quickly see that most of the issues with the Bay Hill are quality control problems from the manufacturer as well as dubious pre-delivery servicing from the respective dealerships.
As for full-timing with the Bay Hill, you might be able to pull it off if the temperature range is not too extreme. Last week, for example, we were in Fort McDowell, Arizona where the daytime temperature was as high as 109 and the Bay Hill's single air conditioner could not keep the RV's interior temperature any lower than 90 degrees. With double air conditioners, I'm sure the situation would have been bearable.
Thirty-seven degrees has been the lowest cold weather external temperature we've encountered. Between the Bay Hill's regular heater and the fireplace, our RV stayed very comfortable.
For two non-claustrophbic people, the 320RS could make a decent full time RV, especially in cold weather. You just have to get beyond the early glitches that seem to plague Evergreen RVs.