Well, I see that from this posting, Ignorance is alive and festering more and more about what constitutes what a COMMERCIAL DRIVERS LICENSE IS FOR ? People quoting this weight and that weight, this many axles ?????..... Someone posted the correct response for the commercial drivers licenses and still they keep yacking about what they don't know, that in the long run some one will get their dumb opinion come true and there goes another chip away from common sense.
We know there are morons who drive, we see it all the time, especially the ones who talk on cell phones driving their COMMERCIAL COMPANY TRUCK THAT WEAVES OVER INTO YOUR LANES ??? AND THEY BEEN DRIVING FOR YEARS!!! so, what's wrong with that picture ? The law can't distinguish nor can they legislate what moron or idiot are taking a test, commercial or non-commercial? We see it all the time and we say "WHERE DID THAT PERSON GET THEIR DRIVERS LICENSE FROM" ?
No TYPE of license will make a better driver . COMMERCIAL DRIVERS LICENSE means: You drive for hire or work driving a vehicle that is in commerce "making a profit " Privately owned vehicles even if you have your own tractor trailer for RVing you do not need a commercial drivers license. If you still don't get "IT" Look up the Federal mandated definition for what constitutes a commercial vehicle. You'll be very surprised :) Have a good day :)