Forum Discussion

cannesdo's avatar
Feb 13, 2021

Ready for a new awning...

My rig is 14 years old. I bought it when it was 6. The awning is so long that it had already bent a bit, still worked...and it's been incredibly strong but it's leaking a bit -- we get a lot or rain here in the PNW and it's started seeping through if I leave it out while it's raining...the seams are also separating a bit up by the door. and I think I'd like a power awning. My rig is pre-wired for that.

Update: I think I've decided to keep my manual setup and replace the fabric. So...any regrets changing from fabric to vinyl? Is it louder when it rains? Does anyone do custom colors? Having a hard time finding solid taupe.

Any info or suggestions would be welcome. Thanks much!
  • wowens79 wrote:
    My power awning you can tilt to the side, you just pull down on the arm. One side the spring is weaker so when it rains it automatically tilts and drains.
    The motor did die after about 3 years, but a new one was only like $80, and took 15 min to replace.

    My arms will pull down too, and if the weight of the water overcomes the pressure of the cylinder, it will collapse, draining the awning.
    Not a good way to do it, only ok for emergency. And when that thing gives, look out! Better not be standing nearby. You'll be wearing something other than your clothes.
    Plus it makes a heckuva noise when it bottoms out, and then goes back up again. Not good for it.
    No springs in there, it's the nitrogen cylinders that hold it up. And they are both the same.
    That's the way the ones I have experienced work anyways.
    The weight of the water seriously stresses the awning fabric too. Bows it down like a hammock...
  • BobsYourUncle wrote:
    If I replace my power awning, it will be with a manual one. Let me explain why:

    The power awning is nice for the reasons you state, but it is fixed there. It goes out, it goes in. Period.

    There is no provision for tilting it. I wasn't paying attention one rainy day and it filled up with water. I tried to retract it to shed the water. No sale on that one. I stood there in my rear doorway with a broom, trying to push up to dump the water. The nitrogen cylinder let go and down it came, into the open door, flooding the whole back of my TT. 4 letter word. Maybe 2 or 3 of those.
    There is no provision to raise or lower it at the front either.
    Personal preference, yes it's nice to push a button but I will take the old style manual any day.
    Maybe some of the newer ones offer tilt, I don't know. To me, tilt is a mandatory feature.

    My power awning you can tilt to the side, you just pull down on the arm. One side the spring is weaker so when it rains it automatically tilts and drains.
    The motor did die after about 3 years, but a new one was only like $80, and took 15 min to replace.
  • BobsYourUncle wrote:
    If I replace my power awning, it will be with a manual one.

    You know....I was just leaning the same way. I appreciate the input. I may just replace the shade itself and call it a day. The main rod is bent a bit but it rolls and unrolls just fine. I think I'll go with a quality vinyl that I can easily powerwash. The cloth awnings are mildew magnets in this climate. This would make my life a lot easier.

    Thanks so much! :)
  • If I replace my power awning, it will be with a manual one. Let me explain why:

    The power awning is nice for the reasons you state, but it is fixed there. It goes out, it goes in. Period.

    There is no provision for tilting it. I wasn't paying attention one rainy day and it filled up with water. I tried to retract it to shed the water. No sale on that one. I stood there in my rear doorway with a broom, trying to push up to dump the water. The nitrogen cylinder let go and down it came, into the open door, flooding the whole back of my TT. 4 letter word. Maybe 2 or 3 of those.
    There is no provision to raise or lower it at the front either.
    Personal preference, yes it's nice to push a button but I will take the old style manual any day.
    Maybe some of the newer ones offer tilt, I don't know. To me, tilt is a mandatory feature.