Forum Discussion

starcraft69's avatar
Dec 27, 2016

Rear racks Research

Started a new thread so i don,t hijack johndeerefarmer thread on his great job building a rear rack for his rig. so this is what I have found looking for threads on racks breaking and people losing generators and or bikes off the back of there rig.
In my original post i never said it can not happen but statistically it dose not seem to be the problem some make it out to be.

1. first search "Broken Rack" last 12 month's ZERO results found

2. second search "Broken Rack" more than 12 months ZERO results

3. third search "lost bikes" more than 12 months ZERO results

4. forth search "lost generator" more than 12 months ZERO results

As the Moderator pointed out i should do the search and i will find many post of people losing bikes and generators off the rear racks. I did not find one post in the last 12 months or going further back than 12 months. Nor did i find any pics. Maybe i have searched wrong or in the last five years on this board I just missed all the post with broken racks and lost generators and lost bikes of the back of rigs. I did find many post saying dont do it you will lose you generator but no proof or pics of this happening. It seems to me that this is as risky as driving with our frig on. Maybe i am wrong maybe this happens more than any of us actually see or experience.

I just get frustrated when someone works really hard on a modification or improvement, and shares it with the board. Then a bunch of people or a few. proceed to tell them that its wrong or wont work or is dangerous. When it is statistically not really a problem.
As for me I hope i am not punished or banned for disagreeing with a Moderator.