Forum Discussion

freewayrandy's avatar
Sep 27, 2022

Rotten egg smell, again???

I read where it comes from the water heater, anode rod? So how do I get it on the cold water side when hooked up to city water?
  • We were at an RV park and no one else had the issue. I've changed my filters to no avail.
  • Some who have clothes washer hookups but no washer have reported a bad water odor over time due to stagnant water in those water lines. Solved it by adding cutoff valves in the pipes near where they branch off from the main lines.
  • Most likely from the well. Sulfer (rotten egg smell) and iron are the two most common elements in well water. We have a well at home, and have filtration to eliminate it inside the house. Filling our RV tank from home, or using water from the campground, the filters built in do help.

    I suggest buying a filter set up to add to your city water hookup. Should do the trick.
  • Could be a lot of sulfur or iron oxide in the water. Some bacteria live in iron rich water.