Forum Discussion

5thwheeltowboy's avatar
Jan 15, 2020

Rubber Roof

Hello I have a 2009 Jayco RLTS fifth wheel and the white on rubber roof is black in a few places on the roof looks like the white is wearing off so on 9-21-19 I applied Dyco 890 shield and seal to all the affected areas. Now here it is January in Pa and the stuff is coming loose flapping on the roof like paper. Is there any better product I could purchase that would stay on?
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  • Hello has anyone ever used flex seal on the rubber roof? One person told me Henry's Trop I Cool from Home Depot never heard of that but I will look for it and try. Just want something that works the stuff is expensive and when it peels off is a waste of time and money thankyou for any help
  • I used Henry's Trop I Cool on mine with good results. I did the entire roof. This can be purchased or ordered from Home Depot. I'm not sure if the product you used was compatible with your roof. You'll have to wait till spring now.
  • Agree. Preparation with anything is the key. The less the surface has deteriorated the better also. Too often people put off maintenance way too long. The result is a much bigger & more costly job to make it right again.
  • Didn’t you ask this at 9 am today? Two of us answered.
  • The secret to any material sticking to the substrate is "Preparation". The preparation of the substrate must be impecible or even the "best" stuff Will peel off.