Forum Discussion

Scottiemom's avatar
Apr 29, 2021

Rubber Roof help

Trip is going very well. Left Florida almost 2 weeks ago and drove to Virginia to see my daughter and family, then headed to Indiana. Arrived here safe and sound. Refrigerator is not working on electric. I knew this before I left, so it's running on gas. I made an appointment with the Amish in Shipshewana. Turns out fridge works fine on electric, but the receptacle in the fridge box does not work. The Amish was not an electrician and didn't want to delve into it further, so I have an appointment Monday with Charger Enterprises in Elkhart to get it fixed. I am camped down at my sister's south of Warsaw. I have electric and water here which is fine.

I have another problem I need help with. I have a leak that is dripping from the roof A/C when it rains. I mentioned to a friend I wanted to get some sealant and reseal around the A/C. He cautioned that because of the rubber roof, I had to be careful what I used on it. So what products should I use? I figure I need a cleaner to clean the area first, then I would add new caulk to stem the water drip. I can go to Factory surplus in Elkhart or Johnson's in White PIgeon and either one should have it. Just wondered what your go-to product is for such a repair.

