My full-timing life started with a fiberglass camper mounted on an underpowered Toyota truck chassis. I purchased it used from a friend at a reasonable cost. Being by myself, I found it just perfect and pretty much trouble free. Of course, storage space was practically nil and I rented a storage unit for things I could do without. I next graduated to a class C Lazy Daze motorhome which, in my opinion was the best built RV I ever owned (I forget the model year, but it was somewhere in the 80's). From there, I went to a used 1990 Fleetwood Flair 29' motorhome. Even though it was the bottom line model, it suited me just fine as a full-time home for a number of years before I bought my 2007 fiver (first RV I purchased new since I had a fairly large nest egg and felt I "deserved" a new unit at last ). Even so, the price was only somewhere around $35k, if I remember correctly, the highest I'd ever paid for an RV.
The point I'm making is that an RVer can be happy with an RV that is nowhere near a top-of-the-line model. As long as it's well cared for it should last a decent amount of time. Of course. every RVer is different. Some demand the highest quality they can afford and others, like myself, look for practicality at a lower cost. I've never been dissatisfied with any of my "cheap" purchases.